Saturday 7 September 2013

How do you kill the white elephant in the room?

You can't and that's where the problem starts. People will think they're out of the mud but what they don't realize is that they're now in deeper shit. So deep that the quicksands of Africa seems like a playground moving in the speed of an elevator music.

To address or not to address. That is the real dilemma. 

The white elephant. An idiom for a valuable but burdensome possession of which its owner cannot dispose and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness or worth. In this context, it's issues and burdens built in one’s head which eventually piles up and becomes a personality.

It could've been bad parenting, peer pressure, horrible sex life, getting bitten by a dog and never recovering from it. It's the daily ins and outs, ups and downs that shapes us.

It all eventually is brought out in the open via conversations, fights and arguments and then it suddenly appears via Harry Potter yelling "Expecto Patronum" or in a normal context, "lets talk about it".

The White Elephant now resides in the hall resting on its laurels grinning. 

It's huge, detrimental and coy. It hides when it needs to and appears when it's never wanted or expected. Hamlet would've been happier holding a skull deciding if he should continue living or not.

"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against the sea of troubles, and by opposing end them" - Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1, Shakespeare.

We're human and definitely less dramatic (for the most of us) but tolerance only gets us as far as the longest marathon ever ran. So how do you kill the white elephant in the room?

You can't and that's a fact. A pat on its head and playing fetch with it is probably the best way to treat it. It'll never disappear and it will be your best friend. Addressing it while accepting its existence is the only way to survive. If people can believe Moses spoke to a burning bush so can we with the albino with tusks. 

To be in denial is suicidal. Yes, there are that few who prefers a life in a studio with random strangers waking up next to them till the day they die earning a penny a day. I'll survive they say. Respect to those hippies.

At the end of the day, I'm guessing people are screaming;

I'm not a beggar begging from starvation, but a beggar begging for salvation.

And salvation starts from within. Period. As a start, accept that it exist. It's after that you slowly work your way through the maze. Eventually you'll either make it or die trying. No pun intended.

Hence, the white elephant never dies as it goes six feet under with you. For all its worth, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

Full Stop

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